Integrative Somatic Therapy Session

If you’re not quite ready for a bigger commitment, a single session can bring small (but mighty) victories.

Integrative Somatic Therapy Session

If you’re not quite ready for a bigger commitment, a single session can bring small (but mighty) victories.


There might be something pressing you want to lift the burden on, or a mindset shift you want to conquer. A single session can help you let go of the heaviness or limiting belief to free up stuck energy and return to flow.


$350 AUD

These sessions are 90 minutes and include a blend of techniques from modalities such as NLP, hypnosis, Time Line Therapy®, somatic embodiment and breathwork.


I managed to shift multiple repressed emotions and stagnant energies in one session! That’s huge! 

"I have been reflecting on my first timeline therapy session with you and am blown away by the effectiveness of your methods. Suffice to say, the holistic service and intuitive professionalism that you offer felt totally aligned. Guided by your safe energy and reassuring voice, the session flowed seamlessly and I was immediately transported back to my past. That is where the real magic began. Through the vehicles of language, visualisation and projected somatic experience, I was able to drop in and embody the felt sensations of the moment as it were back then. By trusting and remaining open to the flow of events unfolding at the comfortable pace you set, I managed to shift multiple repressed emotions and stagnant energies in one session! That’s huge! The messages coming through from my unconscious were threaded with symbols and synchronicities. There were so many downloads. I got so much out of that one session, and the flow-on effects will radiate for a long time. It has unlocked something in me and now I know I am ready to step forward into the next chapter of my timeline; a time for more deep healing within myself, and for healing others too. What you channelled provided a conduit of connection that helped me make those shifts in real time.

Thank you so much. I am forever grateful and I can't wait to have another session with you!”
~ Jack

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In over a decade, Academy Founder Tamara Lee has worked extensively and successfully with countless clients to crack the code on weight loss without dieting. She reveals all in her FREE E-BOOK: "Love Your Guts: The Anti Diet Guide to Holistic Weight Loss".

Permanent weight loss without dieting is NOT a myth

In over a decade, Academy Founder Tamara Lee has worked extensively and successfully with countless clients to crack the code on weight loss without dieting. She reveals all in her FREE E-BOOK: "Love Your Guts: The Anti Diet Guide to Holistic Weight Loss".

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