Holistic Healing Certification Training Program

120+ hour globally accredited practitioner training

Holistic Healing Certification Training Program

120+ hour globally accredited practitioner training

Become a masterful coach in your craft and truly excel










The Holistic Healers Practitioner Certification Training is everything that the average coaching certification is not.

Itā€™s not enough to just know the framework, methodologies and tools. To achieve mastery in your craft you must fully EMBODY IT.

Formulated by Founder Tamara Lee, our certification trainings were birthed from a space of knowing that a holistic certification regime which encompassed healing on every level was sorely needed.

The Holistic Healers Practitioner Certification Training is everything that the average coaching certification is not.

Itā€™s not enough to just know the framework, methodologies and tools. To achieve mastery in your craft you must fully EMBODY IT.

Formulated by Founder Tamara Lee, our certification trainings were birthed from a space of knowing that a holistic certification regime which encompassed healing on every level was sorely needed.

We cover whatā€™s missing in the industry


Itā€™s not enough to read theoryĀ and pass testing.

True somatic healing and brain reprogramming that gives clients transformational results is the crux of our expertise.

This training is not entry level mindset work.

Our graduates learn cutting-edge methods in re-coding the human nervous system to catalyse a letting go of negative emotions and belief patterns that cause clients to stay sick, stuck and living out of alignment.Ā 

WeĀ go well beyond traditional coaching.

Comprising globally recognised and accredited certifications in three holistic modalities, we give graduates ongoing support, fortnightly trainings, and practice sessions with clients dealing with real issues.

We cover whatā€™s missing in the industry


Itā€™s not enough to read theoryĀ and pass testing.

True somatic healing and brain reprogramming that gives clients transformational results is the crux of our expertise.


This training is not entry level mindset work.

Our graduates learn cutting-edge methods in re-coding the human nervous system to catalyse a letting go of negative emotions and belief patterns that cause clients to stay sick, stuck and living out of alignment.Ā 


WeĀ go well beyond traditional coaching.

Comprising globally recognised and accredited certifications in three holistic modalities, we give graduates ongoing support, fortnightly trainings, and practice sessions with real clients dealing with real issues.

These three holistic healing modalities work together to unlock whatā€™s stopping you from succeeding in all areas of life.Ā 

Do you ever wonder how, even in the most trying of economic times, certain people find a way to make good money, they remain unruffled, and donā€™t subscribe to being victim to broadcasted fearmongering? Theyā€™re also the ones who seem to empower others without even trying.Ā 

Whatā€™s their secret?Ā Itā€™s simple.

They know how to identify and release whatā€™s holding them back, they adapt to lifeā€™s challenges, and train their mind for resilience and prosperity.Ā 

We know a lot of those people. And theyā€™re graduates of this accelerated master practitioner training.Ā 


ā€œI'm so grateful to have been able to participate in the Holistic Healer Certification Training with Tam. So many of these concepts have really come alive for me now and helped me to have a set of real strategies to not only use for myself and family, but also for my clients. I have felt the power of these strategies and skills, and I am excited to share more with others to be able to help and guide them, too. They really are life changing concepts made simple, with clear connections with Tam's genuine care and support.ā€Ā 

~ Sarah

ā€œI'm so grateful to have been able to participate in the Holistic Healer Certification Training with Tam. So many of these concepts have really come alive for me now and helped me to have a set of real strategies to not only use for myself and family, but also for my clients. I have felt the power of these strategies and skills, and I am excited to share more with others to be able to help and guide them, too. They really are life changing concepts made simple, with clear connections with Tam's genuine care and support.ā€Ā 

~ Sarah

What other holistic healing certifications DONā€™T offer


Results that last, guaranteedĀ 

Generating significant breakthroughs on whatā€™s holding your clients back requires YOU to break through on whatā€™s holding you back. Knowing ā€˜what to doā€™ is only part of it. Actually doing it AND experiencing this as a client of your own work is what makes our students so powerful. Our graduates experience a Practitioner Level Breakthrough to help them in their own personal release work. This ā€˜clears the vesselā€™ of stuck emotions and beliefs that hinder their path to mastery.


Results that last, guaranteedĀ 

Generating significant breakthroughs on whatā€™s holding your clients back requires YOU to break through on whatā€™s holding you back. Knowing ā€˜what to doā€™ is only part of it. Actually doing it AND experiencing this as a client of your own work is what makes our students so powerful. Our graduates experience a Practitioner Level Breakthrough to help them in their own personal release work. This ā€˜clears the vesselā€™ of stuck emotions and beliefs that hinder their path to mastery.

A thoroughly holistic approach

Our graduates engage in a diverse range of in-depth training, as well as the skills to blend modalities to best suit whatever their clientā€™s presenting problem is. We donā€™t believe there is any one right way for anything. We teach students how to develop their own intuitive guidance within the coaching toolbox, which allows them to go deeper with clients than they would otherwise.


A thoroughly holistic approach

Our graduates engage in a diverse range of in-depth training, as well as the skills to blend modalities to best suit whatever their clientā€™s presenting problem is. We donā€™t believe there is any one right way for anything. We teach students how to develop their own intuitive guidance within the coaching toolbox, which allows them to go deeper with clients than they would otherwise.


Ongoing support

Our graduates are offered ongoing training and mentorship inside the Academy if they choose. This is to ensure our coaches are well-versed in the most cutting-edge techniques. Itā€™s also an opportunity to refine their skills with real clients while continuing to clear their own personal blocks to success.Ā 


Ongoing support

Our graduates are offered ongoing training and mentorship inside the Academy if they choose. This is to ensure our coaches are well-versed in the most cutting-edge techniques. Itā€™s also an opportunity to refine their skills with real clients while continuing to clear their own personal blocks to success.Ā 


A holistic healing certification program with 3 globally recognised accreditations

This accreditation will allow you to register with the appropriate governing boards, giving you further credibility as a globally recognised Practitioner in three holistic modalities.

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner Level Certification
  • Time Line TherapyĀ® Practitioner Level Certification
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coaching Certification


Youā€™ll walk away with the most advanced techniques in human change methodology, knowing exactly how to gain control of your conscious and unconscious thinking. Youā€™ll learn the intricate relationship between your mind, your emotions and your behaviour in a concise coaching container that reveals the psychology of how people learn, communicate, change, and evolve themselves.

Holistic Healing Certification Training Program



  • 1 x Introductory Consult
  • 20 hours of in depth video training modules
  • 18 hours of practitioner audio training
  • 3 x days hands-on live immersion training
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in Time Line Therapy
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in NLP Coaching
  • 3 x downloadable training manuals
  • Experience a practitioner level coaching breakthroughĀ 
  • Facilitate a practitioner level coaching breakthrough
  • Become registered as a Holistic Healer Practitioner on the Academy website
  • Ongoing fortnightly training within the Academy (optional)

Holistic Healing Certification Training Program



  • 1 x Introductory Consult
  • 20 hours of in depth video training modules
  • 18 hours of practitioner audio training
  • 3 x days hands-on live immersion training
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in Time Line Therapy
  • 1 x Globally Accredited Practitioner Certification in NLP Coaching
  • 3 x downloadable training manuals
  • Experience a practitioner level coaching breakthroughĀ 
  • Facilitate a practitioner level coaching breakthrough
  • Become registered as a Holistic Healer Practitioner on the Academy website
  • Ongoing fortnightly training within the Academy (optional)

Our Holistic Healer Certification takes commitment and boldness of spiritā€”and itā€™s worth it

If youā€™re looking to uplevel your own life and teach others to do the same, this course is for you.Ā 

You might want to learn the methodology behind true healing but feel you have more inner healing work to do yourself.Ā 

Youā€™re interested in cutting-edge personal development, and want to learn among top professionals.Ā 

You might be a parent who wants to understand how to be the best parent you can be while learning in-depth strategies and healing techniques.Ā 

Above all, you care deeply about helping others unlock their true potential and arenā€™t afraid of doing the work.Ā 


If youā€™re itching to switch from cautious to courageous right now,Ā this course is for you.Ā Ā Ā 

  • Bring an integrated approach to your work with future clientsĀ 
  • Learn neuro (brain) reprogramming, emotional clearing, and emotional regulation
  • Clear and learn from negative past events including somatic embodiment techniques and inner child re-parenting
  • Receive hands-on training on how to release stored traumaĀ 
  • Be ready to go inwards and clear out your own ā€˜stuffā€™
  • Watch your productivity levels go through the roof
  • Learn high-level manifestation strategies

ā€¦and so much more.Ā 

Mastering yourself is the key. Because you canā€™t take a client further than youā€™ve personally taken yourself.

Total Investment


This accreditation will allow you to register with the appropriate governing boards, cementing your credibility as a globally recognised practitioner in three holistic modalities.Ā 

*Payment plans are available to suit your individual needs.Ā 

Are you in?


*Please note weā€™ll be in touch with payment options upon application.Ā 

Doing this course, I was able to have a breakthrough and now am able to love myself unconditionally.

ā€œWhen I found out Tam was running training in NLP and Time Line Therapy, I was so excited to do this course for myself and to be able to help others. I have been to a regular psychologist before and did not get these results. Thank you so much for this amazing course, it was so thorough, clear and easy to understand. I will definitely consider doing the Master Prac course with you. Anyone thinking about doing this course, get yourself in there! It will change your life. The NLP and Time Line Therapy will definitely get to the root core of it. I definitely recommend it.ā€

~ Lisa

Furthermore, youā€™ll become proficient in the vital life skills that will set you up both personally and professionally:Ā 

  • Bring an integrated approach to your work with future clients
  • Become a masterful communicator
  • Build rapport easily in communication with friends, relatives and clients
  • Understand the mental, emotional and behavioural connection
  • Know how the 5 senses are represented internally in the nervous system, and how to manoeuvre them to your benefit
  • Learn the most innovative tools in the personal development industry
  • Identify how eye movement reflect a personā€™s real thoughts
  • Anchoring techniques to master your feelings and state of mind
  • Handle inner conflicts and negative emotions to positively influence beliefs and decisions
  • Trust yourself to make the right decisions with complete confidence
  • Experience a Practitioner Level Personal Breakthrough to clear your own inner channel
  • Deliver a Practitioner Level Breakthrough as a coach (supervised)

If youā€™re serious about taking yourself to the edges and igniting the power of transformation, this certification is for you.Ā 

Ā Unlike other trainings that niche into just one topic, we go deep into the intricate workings of holistic healing.Ā 

This certification training isnā€™t for everyone. Itā€™s for those ready to devote time, effort and energy into doing the gritty inner work. Itā€™s for the ā€˜students of lifeā€™ who want 100% confidence in their work by firstly going through the process of healing themselves to emerge as a high-performing transformational coach in this field.Ā 

Ready to apply? We canā€™t wait to hear from you!


Thank you for connecting me back with my emotions, my guides, and my true purpose!

ā€œI've been practising self-development for 15+ years and during this time Iā€™ve become aware of areas in life that have limited me from living with true freedom. Even though I had experienced many different modalities of healing, I still felt like I was not able to piece it all together to thrive. I portrayed a confident outer, that I had my sh*t together, but inside I was lonely, lost, out of alignment and hiding from the world.

Enter Tam! Tam helped me to dive deeper than Iā€™ve ever gone to reveal some big emotions that I had pushed deep.

Tam was able to help me get to the core limitations of my belief system, to identify my core values and to guide me to set my soul free and light a fire in my belly once again.Ā Thank you, Tam!ā€

~Ā Luke

Thank you for connecting me back with my emotions, my guides, and my true purpose!

ā€œI've been practising self-development for 15+ years and during this time Iā€™ve become aware of areas in life that have limited me from living with true freedom. Even though I had experienced many different modalities of healing, I still felt like I was not able to piece it all together to thrive. I portrayed a confident outer, that I had my sh*t together, but inside I was lonely, lost, out of alignment and hiding from the world.Ā Enter Tam! Tam helped me to dive deeper than Iā€™ve ever gone to reveal some big emotions that I had pushed deep.Ā Tam was able to help me get to the core limitations of my belief system, to identify my core values and to guide me to set my soul free and light a fire in my belly once again.Ā Thank you, Tam!ā€

~Ā Luke

There were moments where I felt scared to do the thing Iā€™ve just learnt and practice it, but with Tamā€™s encouragement and no pressure attitude, it has allowed me to learnĀ and succeed!

ā€œIā€™ve had the absolute pleasure of being trained by Tam this week in the company of other amazing women doing the training. There were moments where I felt scared to do the thing Iā€™ve just learnt and practice it, but with Tamā€™s encouragement and no pressure attitude, it has allowed me to learn and succeed! Iā€™ve loved learning everything about the process which created ways for me to have so many breakthroughs last year with Tam as my coach. I had no doubt that I was in safe hands with her as my facilitator!Ā Thank you so much Tam for sharing this gift with the world in coaching and now in training!ā€

~Ā Nae

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