The Holistic Healers Practitioner Certification Training is everything the average coaching certification is not.Â
Imagine learning the most cutting edge tools and modalities in mindset coaching and trauma healing, while experiencing a personal breakthrough of your own.
Our students transform as they learn, mentored by professionals pioneering in holistic health.Â
“I’ve been practising self-development for 15+ years and during this time I have become aware of areas in life that limited me from living with true freedom. Even though I had experienced many different healing modalities, I still felt like I wasn’t able to piece it all together and thrive in life. I portrayed a confident outer and that I had my shit together, but inside I was lonely, lost, and hiding from the world. Enter Tam! She helped me dive deeper than ever to reveal some big emotions that I had pushed deep. I got to see the core limitations in my beliefs, identify my values, and light a fire in my belly once again. Thank you for connecting me with my emotions and my true purpose.”
- Holistic Healers Practitioner Graduate

"Having you guide me through some of my last, stubborn, limiting beliefs and making me own how quick and easily it CAN be shifted, if we put ourselves in the driving seat and surrender. I felt safe, supported and stripped bare but somehow, not vulnerable. Just simply present in that space, communicating with myself. I know it’s a never ending journey of self-work, but I finally feel like I’m confident enough and have the tools to be the me I’ve always dreamed of."
- Holistic Healers Practitioner Graduate

"The support from the ongoing training is everything I needed! It is amazing how we can get so deflated by ourselves and go down the slippery slope of self criticism and getting stuck in our own heads. I always feel like Tam is multiple steps ahead in the direction I want and need to be in and having her guide, teach, support and love me through my own growth gives me confidence in my ability to progress professionally as well. I am SO glad we have the additional on-going training and support, working with a team of practitioners creates such a positive environment of like-minded real people who want to better themselves and the world around them."
- Holistic Healers Practitioner Graduate